Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The truth

hello everyone <3

So i've been  on a bit of a hiatus lately and  I just thought I'd chat with you all.. who ever is reading

So lemme just talk about the origins of this blog and how it all started.
I took a creative comp class last semester in high school and our final project was to do something that represented us as creative writers and well, ( SHOUT OUT TO MRS.FUDALA, her blog)
I thought I could represent myself through this blog. All was good and I loved creating blogs, but something horrible happened....
my macbook pro.. my baby boo.. had crashed due to a faulty battery so I took it into the apple store to get it fixed crossing my fingers that the genius bar could help. That was about  a week ago and I just got an e mail that it is ready to be picked up! They haven't told me the price of the repair.. but hey.. its all worth it.

Now I know what you're all thinking, how the heck am I posting now?
Well i've been using my mom's dell laptop computer and lemme just tell you.. I aint a PC person. LOL. Plus this computer is super duper old and slow. Once I pick up my  mac there will be more posts :)
OH BTW, I started a new blog over on wordpress and I may or may not move this blog over to that site as well. <3

Lifestyle blog

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