Monday, December 16, 2013

Poached eggs

I like my eggs poached as opposed to scrambled or over easy. Call me classy but seriously.. it's delicious.  The yolk just has this rich  texture one it hits that hot water. Poaching an egg may be easy peasy for some, but a disaster for others, but I have a trick that will help you get the perfect poached egg each time.

1 egg
1 tbsp White distilled vinegar
Salt/flavoring of choice

Shallow pan
Slotted spoon
Small bowl
Large bowl with cold water

Fill your pan with water and set it on high to bring it to a rolling boil. When it reaches boiling point, lower your heat to about medium low to let it simmer. Add 1 tbsp of  vinegar into the water. Meanwhile, crack your egg into the bowl without puncturing the yolk. Add your flavoring of choice to the egg in the bowl and slowly slide it into the water in one piece. Using your slotted spoon, gather the egg into one piece. Leave the egg to bathe and cook for about 5-7 minutes before removal. Place your finished egg into the cold water and there you have it. J

Thought Blurbs
The key is to control the temperature of the water as well as adding distilled vinegar into the water in order to help the egg whites coagulate. If your water is too hot then it will make the egg white separate and  you’ll have a pan full of egg white drop soup… not the most appealing. By changing the temperature of the water, you’re able to keep the egg in one piece without having it freak out in the process. Treat it like a little baby.

I love to use poached eggs on a bed of sautéed spinach and greens, on an eggs benedict, on my bibimbab (Korean mixed rice bowl), or loads of other dishes. The runny yet firm yolk is what truly catches my eye.

I hope this solves any of your poached egg mishaps.
Happy cooking <3 

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