Friday, November 22, 2013

Individual green smoothie recipe

Green Obsession

Green smoothies have been extremely popular, and I have to admit that I'm obsessed with them! They may look unappealing but you really can't beat it till you try it. They're satisfying, refreshing, and a great snack in between meals. I can't express how many benefits this drink has. I know that there are a lot of green juices out there that you can buy, but they're extremely over priced and to be honest, they aren't as healthy as they seem. Most of the bottled juices don't use raw ingredients, and things that can stay in a fridge for more then three days aren't going to be as beneficial for you as opposed to making it fresh :). Here's my little twist on the traditional "green machine" or "green smoothie". I call mine the Green Obsession. Here's what you'll need!


1 very ripe banana (Make sure it's ripe because it'll make the smoothie extra sweet)

1/4 c of frozen pineapple

1/2 c of baby kale or two leafs of kale

1/3 c of water or coconut water


Cutting board

Blender ( I use an individual blender, but a normal blender will do just fine. )


First you'll need to cut your banana or do the traditional "rip and tear" and add that to your blender. Then add  1/4 c of frozen pineapple, 1/3 c of water or coconut water, and then your kale on top. Blend until smooth! (I use frozen pineapple as a replacement for ice, but you can use fresh pineapple and add ice if you wish to do so. I just think adding frozen pineapple instead of ice creates more a pleasurable texture. )

Thought blurbs

I drink this smoothie every single morning. It's my replacement for coffee or tea. Because of the many nutrients in kale and the fruits, it boosts my energy levels to the extent that caffeine would. I've been making this smoothie every morning for about 6 months now, and it's definitely benefitted my body. I have eczema, a skin allergy in which gets dry and extremely itchy, and ever since I've been drinking this, my eczema disappeared. There are a lot of variations of this recipe and whilst experimenting with different fruit combinations with kale, I've found this to be my favorite. 

Why Kale?

Now, kale has recently become a hot topic amongst health junkies and food articles. The reason being is because it has AMAAAAZING benefits that most neglect. Kale is jam packed with many antioxidants and it is high in vitamin A which is essential for fighting off free radicals and keeping your skin looking radiant. Kale also is extremely high in vitamin K. Vitamin K is a very important vitamin to incorporate into your diet because it helps protect against various cancers. It also helps with the "ahem" bowel movements and aids in weight loss. Kale is also high in calcium. In fact, per calorie, kale has more calcium then milk! 

I hope you try this smoothie out and radiate from its benefits. 

Happy cooking

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